Sailing with kids: an experience of a lifetime

Sharing your BVI vacation with kids is the chance of a lifetime. They learn about planning, sailing, itineraries, snorkeling, fish, … and their excitement is contagious. Donna Wolfson wrote a great account of her trip with her 8 and 10 year old niece and nephew. Here’s a bit from her story:

Days were spent snorkeling, swimming, jumping on the trampoline of the Cat, cannon-balling off the
aft, telling pirate stories and making up pirate names for each of us. Playing boule and singing with the donkey at Dick’s Last Resort, searching for iguanas, and exploring various coves while learning to steer a dingy were also a great hit.

They learned how to raise a sail and participated in the daily chores of living aboard. Both kids were provided with disposable water cameras and Caribbean fish guides so they could identify what they saw while snorkeling. By nightfall, they were exhausted and often barely made it
through dinner.

She’s got some great ideas for how to spend the day with kids sailing in the BVI. You can read the whole story at Virgin Island Sailing.

Here are some tips for sailing with kids if you decide to take your kids.