I love this book: Virgin Anchorages. I’d highly recommend it to anyone going sailing in the Virgin Islands.

I used to take all my sailing books with me. Just in case I needed to check something. Or in case I needed to figure out how to explain something to one of my crew. And I never open them.

Virgin Anchorages on the other hand is one of the books you might consult several times a day.

It has beautiful pictures of all the bays and harbours with arrows and x’es showing how you should enter and what you should avoid. Definitely a must have. Much easier than reading a text description of how to enter a bay.

Here’s an example of just one of the many, many pictures they have.

One comment

  1. Just got back from another great trip in the BVI and used our Virgin Anchorages book every day at least once. Excellent companion to your charts.

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